You're not alone! According to research, about 70% of the people around you get this sense of being a fraud, this "imposter" at some point or another. Fed up with feeling this way, I created this 13 step Imposter Syndrome Banishing Spell to banish my (and your!) imposter syndrome for GOOD.
We can help! My partner in crime and I wrote Model 47: A Startup Storybook, a memoir/guidebook about the time we helped 46 entrepreneurs start and run profitable businesses. We used these 30 lessons to start our own businesses and think they'll work for you too!
Want to know what they're saying?
Better: want to CONTROL what they're saying? Why don't you try spinning your tale today? I wrote Spin Your Tale using fiction writers techniques to craft a personal brand story for the most important person in your life: YOU!
That thing you haven't told ANYONE about because who the heck are you to even think about it? You're too busy. You have no time. You don't know how to start. Besides, what will people say?
Nothing. They'll say nothing. Because they're busy wondering what YOU'LL say about their "thing". Get out of your comfort zone and #DoTheThing TODAY.
What if you could get mentored by top leaders at Microsoft, Amazon, Zynga, Facebook, Google and more? Never fear, we got you! Come and say HELLO WORLD today!