The misfits and weirdos. The creative, entrepreneurial types. The ones who refuse to do the job the way the last person did it. The ones who hate tracking our work in the tool. The ones that are always creating our own jobs. The ones that are determined to use the power of the corporation to make a real difference in the world. The ones who do work that has true meaning and purpose because we can't NOT.
Because through corporations our crazy ideas become realities that impact hundreds, thousands, millions, billions of people. Because at corporations, we can find mentors and role models that have almost every skill set we need help with. At corporations we have the opportunity to make mistakes and hone our skills without fear. Why aren't we fearful? Because we aren't so concerned about the next level of the career ladder. Because the paycheck is good, but the knowledge that we are truly making an impact in the world matters MORE.
We need corporations because we are being paid to learn (rather than paying that crippling college tuition).
I created this blog series to help creative, entrepreneurial types like you:
1. Create "tiny experiments" with which to grow your skills, expand your networks, find autonomy and meaning in your work
2. Build a strong brand around this work.
3. Use it to differentiate from your peers and advance your career
Whether you want to grow your career within your organization, take on a different role within your industry or change industries completely, you will have a really great story in your toolbox.
Remember, if you were going to fit into that nice, neat box in your company, you probably would have done it by now.